Closed Bug 1112305 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

EOY Snippet Dev: Build snippet with a BIG visual impact


(Mozilla Foundation Communications :: Graphic Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: adam, Assigned: thecount)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: [EOYFR2014][p1][snippet])


(14 files)

Build for Bug 1108710
Blocks: 1112340
Blocks: 1112346
Blocks: 1112347
Blocks: 1112349
Attachment #8539490 - Flags: review?(mavis) → review+
Attached file grey version
An example for the grey background version.

You can just open the html file in your browser, it's a standalone file.
Attachment #8539651 - Attachment description: index.html → grey version
Attached file yellow version
An example for the yellow background version.

You can just open the html file in your browser, it's a standalone file.
I added two disruptive snippets.

These are in a form that can be sent to moco once they are approved by us.

They are fairly customizable, and the repo is here:

The paypal snippet didn't perform as well as the simple one so I didn't build on the paypal snippet for either of these.

Things we can easily modify: highlightColor, backgroundColor, fontColor, backgroundImg and the button animate.

The button could animate with a yellow border pulse (I built in the option) but it doesn't show on the yellow background, but it looks OK on the grey background so we can try that.
The yellow border pulse needs a new colour for the yellow snippet page.

The background pulse might be too subtle.

Can we pick another border pulse colour for the yellow page, and/pr make the background pulse more prominent?
Flags: needinfo?(sabrina)
Yes - if it is too subtle an option is to add more contrast with a deeper shade (perhaps we can try firefox light orange: #FF9500) and increasing the border width to increase the area it covers may help along with this too
Flags: needinfo?(sabrina)
grey version: looks like yellow would be effective here (even if it overlaps the $3 button a bit - it grabs your attention)

yellow version: overall it looks very busy with the graphic so close to the buttons. 

Can we show more of the yellow bg below the buttons by shrinking the graphic a bit and/or moving the text up just slightly? I don't think the outline-colour animation would be as effective here can we try ( outline-offset animation in the same red as the donate button?
Quick feedback:

Both versions: Glow on the button is too subtle. Could there be one brighter glow on load, then it settles into the more subtle pulse?

Dark background: 
Love this one. I don't have big feedback here.

EOY yellow:
The buttons are lost in the crowd background, can we shrink the crowd or lift the buttons higher?

That's all! These are great!
I'm actually liking yellow with no image:
+1 for yellow with no image.

The animation to me is a little bit.... online popup-coupon - ey. It does grab attention, but it's repetitive and maybe crosses the "annoying" line. I think the user should see two quick phases: 1. Attention grabbing animation, then 2. a softer "glow" or much less annoying repeating behavior. I liked the "pulse" a lot, but it can serve as the 2nd phase of the experience.

Let's nix the dotted line, could it be just one big obvious glow/pulse that then reverts to the lighter pulse that's rhythmic/repeated?
smaller image on yellow still looks busy i'd go with yellow with no image too

the dotted line doesn't look very refined in application, i prefer the original glows
Attached file new animation
Attached file new grey with intro
Attached file border glow grey
Attached file border glow yellow
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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